Max Fleischer Superman Volume One 3D
This exciting new 3D blu-ray includes the first four episodes of the iconic series in 3D!
Episodes include:
Superman (1941)
The Mechanical Monsters (1941)
Billion Dollar Limited (1942)
The Arctic Giant (1942)
All four episodes are included in digital frame packed 3D (requires 3D Blu-ray player and 3D TV or Projector) and anaglyph 3D (works on good ole' regular TVs with red/blue glasses).
Additionally there's a sneak peak at EYEPOP-3D's latest release - Carnival of Souls.
As an added bonus, we've included a look at the *next* EYEPOP-3D release, and it is awesome!​
Episodes 1-4 in frame packed Digital 3D
Episodes 1-4 in Anaglyph 3D​
Bonus EYEPOP-3D and Plan D previews in Digital 3D
38 Minutes
Animation, Super Hero
Sealed New BD-R Disc
Region Free