It's been a hectic month in EYEPOP-3D land with ongoing project work, promotion and other 3D activities. Let's take a look at what we've been up to.
EYEPOP-3D Site Launch

It's taken quite a while to get this in place but we finally got the site up and running for mid-August. The site is primarily about the 3D films/blu-rays we've been working on converting but also (as you can see) we hope to keep this blog active with 2D to 3D conversion news and samples.
2D to 3D Livestream #2

Another fairly substantial task this month was preparing, recording and editing the new 2D to 3D Livestream which includes an interview with Alex Folk discussing the conversion of House on Haunted Hill. As well as that we have a load of rarely or never before seen 3D content exclusive to this livestream.
You can read more about that here.
Just For Fun - Megalodon: The Frenzy Trailer in 3D

We also shared the first of our "just for fun" 3D conversions - I hope these will be a regular feature. Sometimes I don't feel like getting into the depths of a complex feature film conversion and just want something fun that can be shared "just for fun". I wouldn't spend as much time on these as fixing every shot in a feature film, but do hope they still meet a good standard - the kind of thing that EYEPOP-3D can put it's name to.
Read more about our 3D conversion of the "Megalodon: The Frenzy" trailer here.
And most importantly to end this months roundup is what's coming next. So what can you expect in September?
The 2D to 3D Livestream for 24 Hours Only on 2nd September
House on Haunted Hill 3D Kickstarter finally launches
Andrew chats with Travis Bruce on his YouTube Horror Vlog
Nightmare Castle 3D slipcover competition.
More news & updates on future EYEPOP-3D Releases.
Thanks for reading - do please subscribe to be kept up to date, and why not head over to Facebook to say hi and maybe tell us what you'd like to see us convert next!